
The reason we CAN pray for ourselves.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cover Me

Lord You are a great cover over me!

Your warmth is my peace when the world is cold and I am grateful You care for me. Lord You alone are able to stop the bullet, break the arrow and save me from the enemies snare!  As i take each step You hace order for me You are a shelter around me against the enemy.

God when those who hate me tried to break me into temptation it was You my Father who opened a window of escape. Oh how i am protected by Your hand! A fortress around me and my household You have become and my night is filled with peaceful rest all my days. The forces of this world come in like a flood and You scatter them and they retreat in many directions. their tails tucked they run back to their master! Greater is He who is in me than he who is in this world!

Oh my wonderful Daddy God, You have captured my heart! as You keep me from harm teach me Your ways. Teach me and prune me to bear even more fruit for You. Keep me as I give you me.

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