
The reason we CAN pray for ourselves.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh Father how my heart breaks!
the tears i watch them fall
from eyes that constantly praise You
the pained heart breaking
that worships You always

What words oh Lord do I utter
to any comfort may I lead them
help me my King to help them
as they have no control
what their children do

 You know father that my desire is to lift You up
I long only to guide the hurting to You
my only breath is a map with words
marking the narrow path to You
past the torn veil into Your pressence

Fullness of Joy is found there with You
Even through the hardest of trial
the darkest of night and blinding water
use me to guide them Lord
as my life lifts Your son Jesus up

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hold me Lord Cover me

No hand LORD can ever touch me as YOU do
many nights my tears YOU alone have seen
Holding tight my heart peices
mending them together

Oh GOD I need YOUR touch tonight
Father I hold on to what YOU have held out
YOUR hand of healing
My eyes they run with the salty sea overflowing

Heavy am I with emotion
questions without answers, I already know
I know YOU can not tell me all things
so I hold on to YOUR faithfulness

Come in the clouds of my mind tonight GOD
My lying heart speaks of the unfair world
while my mind reasons there is a reason in it all
my spirit turns from both to lay my head on YOUR knee

Hold me LORD cover me
I run to YOUR embrace, protection
I stay close to YOU in the secret of the stairs
I lay at YOUR feet and find comfort

I will rest and wake to serve YOU
knowing that all is in YOUR hands calms me
it removes all doubt and questions
I will lift my eyes and fix them on YOU LORD