
The reason we CAN pray for ourselves.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Words of my Mouth

Father guide the words of my mouth
as they are uttered through these lips
allow only words that edify
allow only words that uplift

Words have power my Lord
that is why i speak Your written word
when i am afraid of terror at night
when i am caught in temptations fight

Words have life within them Father
give me calm and loving words
to teach and encourage others
to correct and train in Your ways

Words have death when they are misused
harsh and condemning knives they are
when thrown carelessly in ridicule
when shot across in mean jest

Oh Father guide my words
harness my tongue from careless use
keep my speech for Your words alone
take hold any negative word entering my mind

Father guard my tongue
help me bind it strong even when lashed myself
to reply with a calm quiet response
to reply with love filled truth

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