
The reason we CAN pray for ourselves.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

lead me to the cross

Lead me to the cross where Your love poured out
lead me to my knees i belong to You
rid me of myself Lord i lay me down
led me to the cross
led me to YOUR heart

Oh God i long to be like You
to love like YOU
to forgive as YOU
to shine like YOU
to heal as YOU

lead me to the altar of self sacrifice
tie me down tight with many strong ropes
for my flesh is fighting with all it has
and my human heart seeks prideful applause

tear out of me this human condition
this self preservation and self adoration
this sin born in me at birth
be a fire burning in my bones seeking You

rise in me my GOD and be not a gentleman
it is my request even my deep desire
to be destroyed and recreated in Your image
to shine like the SON and glorify You Father

oh SAVIOR i come
quiet my soul
redemptions here, where Your blood was spilt
where YOU in the flesh bore my sins in death
now i rise with YOU
now i am made new like YOU

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