
The reason we CAN pray for ourselves.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


You oh Lord are my comfort
there is no other that consoles me as You
no drug, no drink, no human, no animal
no one, no thing

You know my deep thoughts
You know the inmost desires
my thoughts are from Your thoughts
my desires are from Your desires
I have spent time with You oh Lord
and my heart is calm
my spirit at peace.

You great King walk with me
You great King lavish me with blessings
my walk follows Your directions
my provision is always from You
I have laid all into Your capable hands
and no danger catches me
no need besets me

what comfort i find in You my Master
oh creator of all things
where can i find comfort except in You
the doctors gains wisdom from You
the learned teacher learned from You
the wisest of wise have none compared to You
I lay all my trust in You, my comfort
As i am in Your protective, provision i want not
I am found at peace on every side
You cause me to smile in the face of even death
for You have defeated even its cold grip

My comfort is in You oh Lord
my comfort is in You

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