
The reason we CAN pray for ourselves.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The day after Freedom

The closer you get to Jesus the harder your heart burns for the lost.
I have spent many hours praying for people i may never meet, people whose name I do not even know. The more that Jesus helps me the more i want to help others.

I find that my hearts burns for people to understand the truth that they can really trust God.

I find that my tears flow freely when Jesus is quickly rejected.

I find that my view changes the more time i spend with Jesus.

The encouraging thing is that with all the burning, crying and view changing I am reminded, as is my enemy, that Gods Word is alive and active in me. In You too. This is our hope that we can pray God to be active in other peoples lives. We can allow the Holy Spirit to pray through us things we don't know, Gods will flowinng  through us in the form of prayer.

You see it does not matter if you have never meet the man you are praying for because as you pray more and more for him, or her, you feel Gods heart for them. The closer you get to Jesus the more your heart reflects, feels and responds like Gods ------  desirous that all should come to salvation. 

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