
The reason we CAN pray for ourselves.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Defeat my Giant

Oh my God, You are my God.
You are King of the universe
You are the God of the angel armies
You are the Master of all creation
You alone stand in perfect power

Come and aid me!
Pour Your Spirit into me and strengrhen me
Give me courage and strength like Joshua
Father send me confidently into my promised land
Help me for all i see are the giants

My heart burns to follow and obey
to do the bidding of You Lord
hungry to be a vessel of Your love

My hands ache to reach out for You
to land hand on the sick
to see them recover

my feet are ever so eager to go
to carry the good news of freedom
and watch the enslaved become free

Help me defeat my giants Father
fear of failure, low self esteem
help me trust You and not my own sight
tear from me the desire of self preservation

Arise and be actively working inside me
causing me to grow more and more hungry to follow
daily burning hotter to do Your will
grow my love of Your commands
that i may be ever more eager to keep them

I ask You my King, the Holder of my heart
to invade my whole being
change me from the inside out
make me like You because i am my own giant

Defeat my Giant

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