
The reason we CAN pray for ourselves.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Morning Meeting

My soul crys for U oh God! Hurry! Come satisfy me with Ur presence! I am undone until I have sat at Ur feet. Until I have felt Ur touch and heard Ur voice.

Oh God I need U so I can enter my day. Decisions, delegations and desires await before me. Work, ministry and responsibility lay in wait. I start with U for with all my wisdom, knowledge and learning are nothing absent from U my God.

Come I am Ur dove in the cleft of the rock in the secret of the stairs. I slip away while it is still night to join U without interruption. My heart is for U, my eyes see U in everything and remind me of Ur great love and desire towards me. My soul is filled to the brim and overflows as I commune with U. Peace and confidence become strong with Ur voice in my ear.

It is Monday God and U have ordered the day into the week, I trust U to it and rest in the knowledge that I can rely on U. Humans will fail me, but I can count on Ur faithful provision, clear direction and loving correction. U are my God and I am Ur servant, yet U have called me friend. I seek no other.

-This week trust God with something u have held out on. Total surrender of it will surprise u as God eases the burden and smooths the "issues". BE ENCOURAGED! God is on the throne, He reigns.

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